Only 18% of the world’s countries have a low degree of land modification, which are concentrated in Africa (33%), South America (16%), and North America (11%). Most countries (48%) are moderately modified and highly modified (34%), particularly in Europe (42%), Central America (26%), and Africa (12%).
68% of countries have less than 20% of low modified lands, and 84% of countries have less than 50% of low modified (natural) lands that remain.
Percentage of terrestrial land within countries in low (HM ≤ 0.10), moderate (0.10 < HM ≤ 0.40), and high (0.40 < HM ≤ 0.70) and very high (0.70 < HM ≤ 1.00) human modification. Click on different geographic regions (left) for close-up country patterns. [/av_textblock]